26 June 2012

Agreement = Expectations


Check out this great article written by Greg Hoy, president of Happy Cog.  Greg does a great job in this article of detailing what should be included in your project service agreements and individual statement of work for each project.  Now these documents go by different names, and acronyms, from agency to agency, but every agency should have their operating and individual project terms stated in some form.  Your clients will come to expect it!  And so will their lawyers!  ;)  These documents help to set expectations and eliminate disagreements when issues arise.  I think it also important to note that the author suggests being vague in the initial project phases when alot of the scope is yet to be fully defined.  He also gives some other tips on addressing certain issues.  So take some time to review and update your agreements as well as those of your clients.  You won't regret it!

1 Response to "Agreement = Expectations"

Austin SEO

Feb 3, 2013 6:53am

I will continue to faithfully read all of your posts.

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About the Author
Dave Peele

Dave is the resident developer, accountant, daily operations manager and Chief Common-Sense Officer here at Rockbeatspaper. When he is not implementing wonderful designs into highly functional web sites and managing his Sudoku addiction, Dave enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter & son, attending church, working out and watching Carolina basketball. GO HEELS!

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