30 November 2011

Obvious, Easy & Possible

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Hello all!  It has been a long time since our last post.  2011 has been a great year for RBP and we have been extremely busy! 

I ran across a great article post by Jason Fried at 37Signals that sheds a new light on how designers and developers should begin to view interface design & web development.  It introduces the concept of "obvious, easy & possible" when planning and desiging a project.  This is a big paradigm shift from the traditional concept of "low, medium & high" priority and a great way for web designers and developers to begin to plan projects.  I also think it would beneficial for our clients to begin to rationalize project decisions in this manner by clarifying the reasoning behind tough decisions.

Take some time to check out Jason's post here - The Obvious, The Easy and The Possible - and we look forward to your feedback.

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About the Author
Dave Peele

Dave is the resident developer, accountant, daily operations manager and Chief Common-Sense Officer here at Rockbeatspaper. When he is not implementing wonderful designs into highly functional web sites and managing his Sudoku addiction, Dave enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter & son, attending church, working out and watching Carolina basketball. GO HEELS!

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