3 August 2009

Welcome to Our New Site!

5 comments Welcome to Our New Site! Image

It has been a long time in the works, but we have finally completed the redesign of our marketing site.  Everyone in the design industry knows that their own site is always the one to get the least amount of love, and our site was no exception!  The last iteration of our site has been in rotation for over 2 years and had truly become the red-headed step-child of the RBP family.  Although, everyone raved about the design of our last site, it had served it's duty and was beginning to wear on us a bit.  We were also finding it difficult to find time between client work to give our site the attention it needed, especially in the journal area. 

We are very excited about our new design!  We have toned down the color pallette and created a design that let's the images bring in the contrast and color.  We have improved our portfolio display to include more images from each project during the process, which has improved how our work is showcased.  Along with the design, we have reworked the site architecture as well as the content in the needed areas.  It is also very important to us with this redesign to do a better job of keeping our blog up to date and create a place of information and discussion for all of our readers.  It is our responsibility to provide the content, but we need you guys to start the discussion by commenting and letting us know what you think.  

We hope you are as excited about the new site as we are!  Browse around and let us know what you think in the comments area below.  Thanks!

5 Responses to "Welcome to Our New Site!"


Aug 22, 2009 2:19pm

Congrats guys! I was browsing the site a bit, and I find Case Studies one of the best features on your site. You have it nicely integrated with the rest of the content.
Really a pleasure browsing your site.

I also found few small bugs in navigation while browsing portfolio section. Buttons for next/previous projects seem to be messed up when I reload the site. Maybe you should look into this.



Dave Peele

Aug 22, 2009 2:27pm

Thanks for the feedback Marko!  One of our main goals with the redesign was to improve how our work was integrated and displayed into the site.  We wanted to give the user a better idea of the preliminary work that goes into our design process.  We are very happy with how it turned out!

Thanks for the notice on the bugs.  I assume that you are talking about the slideshow navigation buttons on reload.  Could you let us know what exactly was happening and what browser?  I will look into it.  Thanks!

RBP Avatar


Aug 26, 2009 8:49am

Sent you an email about this ;)



Oct 21, 2016 12:46pm




Jan 23, 2018 10:33pm

It’s awesome in favor of me to have a web page, which is good for
my experience. thanks admin

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About the Author
Dave Peele

Dave is the resident developer, accountant, daily operations manager and Chief Common-Sense Officer here at Rockbeatspaper. When he is not implementing wonderful designs into highly functional web sites and managing his Sudoku addiction, Dave enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter & son, attending church, working out and watching Carolina basketball. GO HEELS!

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